Thursday, September 16, 2010

That fateful morning...

That fateful day, the day I decided to start my blog, is just another day. It's another one of THOSE days. Days where the sky is cloudy and overcast. Where it feels like it could pour any minute and yet it's humid enough to not be comfortable enough to wear a sweater. Just one of those days.

And because of the weather, or maybe today was slated to be this way anyway, everyone is in a bad mood. Hubby is trying to create a budget and working in his home office, Sweetgirl (3) is whining at everything and everyone, Mysteryboy (2) is antagonizing Sweetgirl and Mommy and getting into everything and making a mess and Me... Well, I'm just trying to cope with it all, not get too frustrated with the 3 other people in my house and maybe get something done at the same time. And it's not going well.

Today is supposed to be the day I go clean house for my Dad. Guess who doesn't feel like it. Today is supposed to be the day I WANT to cook dinner for a change, have the menu planned and know what I am fixing for dinner when I wake up in the morning. Today is supposed to be the day I feel motivated to unpack the duffel bags of clothes we took camping last weekend that are still sitting in our bedroom. Today is supposed to be the day I work more with Sweetgirl on learning to read. She's only 3 so there is no real pressure, but it sure would be nice to be consistent with it. Today is supposed to be the day I get around to sweeping the bathroom floor, mopping it and putting the clean rug that I washed last week for the clean floor, back down. And today is supposed to be the day I wash the rest of the dishes in the kitchen sink and finally make that kitchen sink sparkle. Ugh.

It feels like Monday... and it's already Thursday. With my week almost over, am I really kidding myself that any of that list is going to get checked off before the weekend hits?? With Mysteryboy creating messes before I can get the last one cleaned up, messes that were NOT on the to do list and Sweetgirl whining and causing my frustration gauge to rise by the second, who am I trying to fool? Myself?

Nope, I'm not fooling myself. I'm depressing myself.

So, the house is a mess, the Mom is frustrated, Sweetgirl is now laying down on her bed (still whining) cause I can't listen to whining anymore, Mysteryboy is kicking a ball around the living room through the mess of legos and tea cups, Hubby is slaving away in his home office trying to make the money stretch farther than it can possibly go and today... with all of this going on... I decided I can't take it anymore.

I've got to tell someone about it. Today is that fateful morning I decided to finally give in and blog away about my crazy, frustrating days. Days that are probably just like a million other Moms out there with little people controlling their days instead of them. Days where the housework is overwhelming and you just want to crawl back into bed. Days where the little people and their needs just won't quit. Days where the whining is just about to take you over the edge. And days where one more request from the hubby might just make you run out the house screaming like a banshee.  Like today.

In fact. I think I might just put the kids in bed for their nap (an hour early) and crawl back into mine and pull the covers over my head (after I change yet another poopy diaper). It might make this crazy day and my huge list and my messy house go away, but I doubt it. Here's hoping.